Thursday, August 24, 2017

Lesson 9 - Review & Study Day

In this course, you will take a test every two weeks to test the skills and knowledge you have learned previously.

1.  Today, go back through Lessons 1 through 7 and study the concepts taught in each lesson.  

Be sure you know the following for tomorrow's test:

     - what RGB and CMYK stand for and what they are each primarily used for (Lesson 2)

     - study the names of the main parts of the body of your camera from the worksheets (Lesson 3)

     - know and be able to demonstrate the proper way to hold your camera (Lesson 4)

     - be able to write a paragraph explaining the basic difference between RAW and JPEG files (Lesson 5)

     - be able to demonstrate how to save a RAW file, open it in Raw Therapee, and convert it into a JPEG file (Lesson 6)

     - be able to demonstrate how to open a file in Adobe Lightroom's online program  (Lesson 7)

Lesson Information for Teachers:
Study Time:  Approx. 30 - 45 minutes
Total Approximate Time for Lesson: Approx. 45 min.

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