1. Read pages 20 & 21 in "Digital Photography Complete Course" by DK
2. Watch the following video which break down RAW vs. JPEG files:
3. Watch these two videos to see how to create and select a folder on your camera
(note: this man is using a different model camera, but it will work the same way with a T6):
4. Watch this video to give you a good tip on how to name files on your computer (not on the camera itself). While you may not need to use this information yet, "file" it away for later (pun intended):
5. Get your camera out and complete the following steps:
a. Create two new folders on your camera
b. Turn your camera off and then turn it on again
c. Can you now find the two folders you just made?
Lesson Information for Teachers:
Video Lesson Duration: 1:56, 5:32, 2:14 & 3:26 (12:28 total duration)
Skills Test: Approx. 10 minutes
Reading in Text: 5 minutes
Total Approximate Time for Lesson: Approx. 28 min.
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