Monday, August 14, 2017

Lesson 2 - How A Camera Sees & RGB Basics

Today, you will learn the basics of the RGB color profile, as well as a general overview of how a camera "sees" or is able to view light.

1.  Watch a video on how a camera "sees" 

2.  Watch a video on the difference between the RGB and CMYK color profiles.

3.  Watch another video on RGB vs. CMYK color profile

4:  Test your skills

Go to the following website: 
For "Color Rule", choose "Custom"
Based on the knowledge you learned in the videos, can you create the following colors:


If you need help finding the values, click here for the answers

Lesson Information for Teachers:
Video Lesson Duration:  3:05, 6:36 & 6:12 (15:53 total)
Skills Test:  Approx. 10 minutes
Reading in Text:  10 minutes
Total Approximate Time for Lesson: 35:53

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